Mittwoch, 1. August 2012

Brothers never stop to party!


monday night I was in my room about going to bed.... but I planned my night without asking Dawoon.

While texting he decided, that we meet in Seomyeon for a last night. Just the two of us. So I went there with the last subway (00:00; midnight). We started with korean traditional chicken and two bottles of Soju! I had kind of a deja vú... because I started like the four last nights like this.....
 After having a midnight meal we went to the former "Say Hello". They changed it to "High 5ive". Inside there are no real big changes. Just the logo is different and there is more light inside... So not as dark as before.

 We danced the whole night till the morning and when we left... there was again.... the sun! Damn!!!!! During our night there was kind of a little show.... right next to us... it was so close, that Dawoon jumped at some point into my camera because he wanted to hide kkkkk was kind of cute kkkk
But watch with your own eyes! kkkk

 During the night a lot of people talked to me and danced with me, most of the time girls, but sometimes there were some korean guys dancing with me... Dawoon was pretty amused and I was kind of confused....
 Anyway, afterwards spicy soup again and going to sleep.... for a few hours at least....

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