Freitag, 3. August 2012

Last dinner in Busan - Youjung and Dawoon!


you can imagine with who I wanted to have my last dinner in Korea! Of course with Youjung and Dawoon! And it was harder than everybody thought it would be...

 We had just the most expensive korean BBQ we ever had before, because it was so damn good!

We ate, talked, cried and said goodbye....
 While eating lots of meat!

 Like you can see.... Dawoon was the grill master, like every time!
And we took the very last shot together.... The three of us shared a lot of things during the last year! And I am really thankful for them! And for meeting them! They showed me so much and taught me so much! I can't say enough thank you! But seriuosly they were my family for the last 12 month! So I am very thankful for taking care of me in Korea and for showing me so much culture, places and love!

While taking the last shot of Soju I was so sad, I had seriously to cry so much.... during the drinking.... I felt so bad!

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