Montag, 27. August 2012

Hello and Goodbye - Saskia is going to Scotland


the second night in Berlin didn't take place in Berlin! I was in Brandenburg!

My friend Saskia (I know her from university) graduated with me this semester.

But she won't study anymore at my university, because she will go to Scotland! This Saturday was her goodbye party and thats why me and my friends had to travel to her hometown (its next to Berlin).

We arrived around 7pm at her house and we were able to start eating immediately, because the BBQ started around 20min earlier. We were so happy... everybody of us was starving!
 The beer guys!!!!
 It was the first time for me to see a lot of my university friends again! So for me it was time to say hello, but for her it was time to say goodbye. So this picture is pretty rare....
 After the BBQ we started a fire to warm us a little... We talked the whole night like I have never been in Korea. It was like before.... I was happy!
 But at some time it was time to sleep.... and to brush our teeth..... And.... like one eyewink later.....
 It was breakfast time again!
So, now I wish Saskia all the best and a good time in Scotland! Enjoy your time there like I did in Korea!

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