Samstag, 11. August 2012

Apartment45 - Bochum

Juten Tach (guten tag)!

like we say in the Ruhrpott! Last night me and my friends went out to explore our region in North-Rhine-Westphalia a little bit. We met at Jenny's place to have one or two or three drinks.... and Yes, John and me had Coju! And Jenny and me had some Soju shots! Wuhuuu!
After a few hours of warming up we took the bus and the train to Bochum (the city is next to my hometown by train maybe 12min) Anyway we wanted to see a new club. So we went to the Apartment45. It is located in the heart of Bochum. The club is an old penthouse which was transformed into a club. But you can find everywhere the different rooms. You will see what I mean.

Yes, this was in the club!

 So there are we, Carla, Natze, Kathrin and John and of course one with me kkkk
 After a little ride we arrived in the club. The music was ok and the so were the people. But the location was very cool!
 They had different floors in the building, thats why they showed us a plan in the entrance area. Jenny just presented the emergency exits kkkk
 And of course I will show you all the different rooms. Here the living room.... The girls are sitting there like Monrose. Ah, and if you are Korean.... click the link below.... you will be surprised.... Thats Monrose, a german girlgroup....

 They even had a bathtub in the club.... next to the pool. The pool had been transformed to a dancefloor, which was pretty cool....

 They had a terrace on top of the building, so we could watch the "skyline" of Bochum kkkkk
 Here Natze and me in the bathtub kkkkk
 I was pretty happy when we finally found the kitchen... in former times they prepared some snacks for the hungry party crowd in there.... but today they stopped.... :-(

 After dancing for a few hours, really just a few...kkkk we decided to leave for a snack.... kkkk for a baguette.....and we had it in the party area (Seomyeon of Buchum) the Bermudadreieck... (Bermuda-Triangle)
 And I saw a really crazy post on the wall in the store.... There was a special offer for Skater and Teenager.... Why do they get discount?! So crazy... next time I'll bring my skateboard...kkk

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