Samstag, 11. August 2012

German BBQ - Grillen

Juten tach,

today the weather in Germany was perfect to have a BBQ! Thats why me and my friends met at my house to have a little BBQ - Meat - Party! I went to Penny (Hanaru) to get all the stuff for salads, dips, drinks and of course a lot of meat!

I calculated the entrance fee the people had to pay and the party started!

Thats what I got at the supermarket! 

 John wanted to have this kind of meat! I called it Flinestones - Meat! I could totally imagine Fred Flinstone eating this one after killing a Dino! Anyway we had really a lot of fun with this meat!
 For the other people I prepared a lot of chicken, chicken, chicken! 
 And of course tomato - Mozzarella salad... so yummy!
 Here a salad, we used two different kind of dressings... Sylter dressing from Rewe (different Hanaru than Penny) and an oil-aceto-balsamic dressing....
 Of course John (grill-master of the day!) started with his giant piece of meat!
 The grill on our balcony was pretty full!
 For about 3 hours kkkk we ate a lot, really a lot... lots of bread, salad and meat! And still now there is some meat in the fridge for tomorrow hahahaha!
 Later after getting dark I started the torch to light up the party kkkkk Palermo really enjoyed the fire noises behind his head kkkkkkk

Seven hours of fun and talking with my friends! I really loved this night! Thx to John, Palermo, Natze, Julia, Dani, Kathrin and special guest Christoph!

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