Sonntag, 5. August 2012

Way back home!


after having tons of goodbyes and tearful moments during the last days I am finally home.

By the way.... thank you all for more than 20.000 clicks in the last year. For the at least 3 blogs... uyuheartsmicha, michaelheartsuyu and finaluyu........ makes more than 60 clicks a day..... I am happy! 

My last year gave me too much information, experiences, really touching moments, lessons to learn and a big bundle of new friends!

On my way to Korea I didn't know what to expect of a country so far away, I was a little excited, very sad and of course curious! (I'm so curious yeahhhhhh)

In the first 6 months I had most of the time just fun! Every free second I spent with Robert, Dawoon and I think most of it with Youjung! we had coffee every day we had chicken every second day and Soju, I think every hour one shot, hahaha

We bonded like new friends did. And of course I explored Korea! I went with Robert to Seoul and Ulsan. I visited Geoje island and Jeju-Do with my parents. With Julia I explored Gyeongju and its temples.

It was a really nice time!

in the second half I bonded so much with my bachelor thesis, my supervisor Binod and with Youjung and Dawoon to a real family!

We had less fun, because I had to write the thesis, had to be in the laboratory, fighting all the examinations and Youjung had to work! Always Working!

But still, I don't want to miss a single say with them!

The last weeks we did everything what was missing on our Korea list! Even with Dawoon I partied all week long! We went to the beach, we had delicious food and we went to Nightclub. Of course we had to say goodbye to FIX and to all my friends. I had to meet James, kelly, Eunhye, Song Hjong and many more!

On my way back I felt something compared to nothing. No joy, not sadness, nothing. It was kind of a negative feeling climax. From sad to nothing nothing nothing nothing to excitement arriving at the main station in my hometown I was dead, after 26 hours journey and before a day in Seoul.....

Of course the DB - Deutsche Bahn was delayed for more or less 30 min, but hearing Essen Hauptbahnhof (Essen main station) I felt relieved! I was happy to see John again!
 Here arriving in the Ruhrpott! Wuhuuuu
 And after saying hello to John, surprise... Julia walked around the corner! I was really surprised! Happy happy happy!
First stop was my brothers house to get the key kkkkk to my new life kkkk and to meet his new girlfriend Dani! Nice one!
After sleeping for a really long time John and me met with Natze (left side) and Julia (center) to surprise Palermo (blue shirt guy). We called his boyfriend to make sure Palermo is at home and that he does not know anything.... He was sitting on the balcony and was complaining why Jens closed the door before opening the front door. And the second I entered he was really super surprised and had to cry a little... He was really speechless. I could read it in his eyes... He was overwhelmed kkk he thought I would come back in a month hahahaha

Anyway now I am back home on Germany and I will see if I will go on with blogging to keep now my friends in Korea updated from my life in Germany (Essen or Berlin).

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