Freitag, 17. August 2012

Ruhrpott excursion - Tetraeder Bottrop


today I visited with Natze a "Ruhrpott-Diamand"! The "Tetraeder" in Bottrop! It is just about 20 min car ride from my house, but both of us have never been there. In the middle of coal mines and industry factories on top of a coal mountain there is the "Tetraeder". It is just a steel construction. You can climb the construction nearly to the top and after all this exhausting climbing you have a wonderful view all over the Ruhrgebiet. 

 The construction itself represents a lot of this areas history. Of course it is a steel construction, because of Thyssen Krupp steal. It is on top of the mountain, like our industry haha and it is located on lots of coal!

 The view was amazing. You can see a lot of different cities in the Ruhrgebiet. We could identify of course Essen and Oberhausen. I know we are so bad in geography! 
 With a little help from some other people we saw Essen immediately! 
At some point we were standing in the air, like I did in Singapore in the gardens by the bay....
 Yup, thats where the Tetraeder is located!
 Our way up the mountain! It was a very nice walk... and what do people always say.... the way is the aim! kkkkkkk It is a phrase, I don't know from where....

 And there is the industry I talked about!

 And afterwards we had "The best Curry Sausage" in town!!!!

 YUMMY!!!! Tats Ruhrpott style!!!!

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