Donnerstag, 23. August 2012

Ideenpark in Essen - Lots of ideas!


today Natze, John and me went to the "Ideenpark" in Essen. It was the last day of a big exhibition for little brains!

Something is wrong....

I feel like a dwarf....

Kids, teens and even people to 95 years were invited to play, to explore and to bring  their own ideas for lots of different categories. We entered at the east entry and entered suddenly a space harbor. We explored parts of Mars with "Curiosity"....

 And in the next hall we saw new systems for traffic and we saw a very nice new Mercedes...

 He drives with hydrogen! unbelievable.....
 And guess what was a station for kids to create new cars... of course Mercedes took all their ideas for free.... but it was cute to see them create new stuff....

 Yeah, my new ride and my chick! hahahaha
 Even here were complete new ideas to move in the future..... everything invented by kids....
 In the next hall there was a lot of fun stuff.....

 And a lot of green stuff.... plants you can use for different kinds of chemical reactions, for different products and of course for perfume....In the glass houses you could smell different kind of herbals....

 And here Natze is fertilizing a human egg. Haha... practice is very important...

 And interactive computer games....
 Of course there were a lot of kids following us... even to the "Hot Wire"
 John was testing the pH!
 And even my University in Berlin was there...
 They had really cool stuff.... they created a robot which was able to walk and jump like a "Jumping Spider"!
 And we were able to get official original sahara sand! Yeah! There are are little lizards....
It was nice to visit the "Ideenpark" (Park of ideas) but after 90 min we had enough and left for picnic at the "Baldeney See(Lake)"

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