Donnerstag, 9. August 2012

Brüssel - Belgium


during my year in asia I realized, that europe is really really small and very easy to travel. All my friends were jealous of me because I am able to visit so many different countries within just a few hours car ride. Today I did my first trip with john in Europe after my return from Korea. We went to Brüssel, capital of Belgium and of course, capital of europe. 

I was so exited to go, that we had a very short night. In the morning we just started the car and our way led us westwards. We had to kill around 250km to go there. On our way we passed, just by driving by, the Netherlands. For a short time we thought about going to Amsterdam instead of Brüssel, but I have never been to Brüssel and I saw with Dawoon the world famous waffles and the ice cream and the chocolate and the pralines at Yeosu (Expo). So I wanted to visit Brüssel. 
 Here Johnny and me on our way to Brüssel.... driving with 180km/h.... Yes my bro... it's possible in Germany, but in the Netherlands and Belgium we had to stop at 120km/h like in Korea.... buhuuuu

After arriving we parked the car in a car park, because we heard, that in some areas it is not safe to park the car.... and because people can just push your car a little while they try to park next to yours.... anyway after leaving the car park we had no idea where to go... we just took the subway... in the wrong direction kkkk after changing we arrived at the central station. And from there we started out tour with a really expensive map from a convenient store (3€)....kkkk 

Anyway... our first stop was the Saint-Michel-Cathedral. A very beautiful, but not so special one.... (but I like the name)

 After visiting Notre Dame in Paris and La Familia Sagrada in Barcelona it was just a beautiful church.
 But in the streets you find so many real amazing houses! It is really the best to walk just through the city and the streets.

 This gallery was pretty unexpected and really nice! I enjoyed to visit all the different chocolate stores....

 haha... yummy 

If you just leave the gallery on the left you can walk though small narrow streets with so many cafes and restaurants. I felt really like on holiday...

 And here one of my favorite places in Brüssel. The Grand place. Much more breathtaking than munich... even if it is a little bit comparable....
 In every direction there are buildings from the 16th-17th century. So nice, so big, so golden!

 Here the sun gives the golden front a special touch...

And even cool stores are all over Brüssel. I bought nothing, but they looked really cool!

 I think the most famous tourist attraction is "Manneken Pis" I learned from my friend google last night, that this statue has hundreds of dresses and that sometimes he is dressed.... for special events... and guess what... I think they heard, that John and me will come to Brüssel and gave him his best dress haha....

 The pic above shows the black tower... just the top is black....
 And here one of my favorite pics....just a street in Brüssel... but in my eyes a pretty cool one....

 Stolen moment of John...
 Here the coolest justice palace I have ever seen... even because it is a palace kkkkkk It is so cool!

And just another nice house..... in the end it is a museum...

 Arc de Triomphe! I was so impressed by this one... the one in Paris was just there...kkkk not so big not so beautiful....
 Anyway, after this one we had to leave Brüssel again. I know now that this city is really a very nice place to visit and I think we will come back, maybe for a weekend..... I wanna experience the party life over there....
Following the steps.... to home!

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