Montag, 6. August 2012

Duruchigi - I feel like Imo!

Guten Tag,

it feels weird to write a german hello.... But I think I will figure out a cool german hello later...
Anyway, the reason why I write this one is that I prepared today my first Duruchigi on my own.... I think I missed my favorite dish even after a few days, so we had to try.... and the first try was amazingly tasty!

To be honest John helped me to cut the vegetables into pieces. We went to an Asia shop in the center of Essen (my hometown) to get some ingredients. 

For example these two basic sauces...
 To prepare Duruchigi I think these two are the most important. If some Koreans have some tips to make my Duruchigi perfect please tell me!!
 Anyway we had all the important stuff.... meat ( I know the wrong one, but the real stuff is not for sale in normal supermarkets) so we took this one and it was delicious! Even we started to sweat while eating, just on top of the head.... so I had to think of my bro in Korea kkkk

Who detects Busan in this picture?! And no not in the sauce kkkk

 And this is how it looked like after preparing... I felt like Imo! Hahahaha now you can call me and I will bring you!

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