Samstag, 4. August 2012

Last day in Seoul!


the last morning in Busan Youjung took me to the BusanStation. It was so hard to see her standing on the track while the train departed. I can't describe it with words. But my first class ticket to Seoul told me to relax and to enjoy the ride..... i didn't. Every meter the KTX went northwards my heart felt more and more heavy! 

After 2,5 hours ride I left the train and entered Seoul Station for the last time. In there a friend of mine, Son Hjong waited for me. He lived in Busan the first three month I came there and left for Seoul, because he got a teacher job there. 

We took my stuff to a friends restaurants basement, because it was too big for all the lockers. After that he took me to a swimming pool next to the Han-river. It was build in the 70's and it looked like that. It was so cute with the charm of former times. 

And he even was cute by asking me if I am hungry. I said no and he was just like: "But we can eat Slushy, right?!" Haha, who can say no to this?!

Anyway, after having slushy and swimming (45min per hour / 15 min is for not getting a cold staying out of the water and to renew the suncream) we went to a North-Korean-Style restaurant. 

We had Galbichim! Which was really really good! Now I know why Kim-Jong-Eun is getting so much "volume"! 

Haha, crazy about the food!
After dinner we had coffee and he took me to the Airex station, who took me to the airport. There I had to check in my 34kg luggage. Allowed amount 20kg..... I had to pay just 5kg extra and afterwards I started my 26,5 hour ride to John!

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