Samstag, 18. August 2012

Philippino Night - Solid Club


after having a really great afternoon with Natze in Bottrop we drove home to my place and had dinner with my parents on the balcony. 

Of course my parents had dinner and we started to drink a little before we joined the "Philippino community"! John didn't wanted to join because of his bachelor thesis, but Diana, bebe, Pam and all the others were there!

 So Natze me and my mom started with a Becks Asia into the night! We were sitting for about two hours on the balcony becore we went to the party... We really enjoyed the relaxed feeling....
 Anyway, after arriving in Frohnhausen we started to party.... for about 90 min we had a lot of fun in Pam's apartment....

Here Bebe, Pam, me and Natze!
Here "El driver" with the last and her only Becks Asia.... by the way it is really good! If you don't like beer and you wanna order something with beer.... Change from V+ Apple to Becks Asia....kkkkk

 And after the fun we arrived at the club... it was R'n'B / Hip Hop night.... we were okay with this.... but the live act was really really bad... the dancefloor was pretty empty after his big event...
 Anyway, we left at about 2:30 am and took the Night bus to our home.... and guess who we found in the bus... Janinas big sister Micha.... And guess where she left so early.... She started her first sentence with" Hey guys, I have been to such a bad party....:" She was in the same place kkkkkkkkkk

 Everything before the club and after the club was so perfect, but in between ...... I know why the Koreans don't like the clubs so much....

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