Sonntag, 19. August 2012

Zurich - Switzerland - The first 2 hours


last friday my good friend Romy asked me if I wanna come to Zurich for a few days from Sunday to Wednesday...

Actually I was not really sure if I could go. Because it is quite expensive, takes a lot of time and of course.... I just arrived in my hometown after one year. But I really wanted to see her again and I wanted to come back to my beloved Zurich!

 So I decided to take the cheapest way to go there.... The "mitfahrzentrale" it is an internet community where you can join a private driver who has to go from A to B by himself and he takes some money to take you with him. I had a ton of luck, because Melanie de la Rocca (half italian and half german) found her love in my hometown, but lives in Switzerland she had the same way at the right date. So I joined the ride.... After just 5,5 hours we arrived and Romy got me from the train station Melanie dropped me of. 
 Afterwards we drove immediately to the Züri-lake. This is still one of my favorite places in the world. It is just beautiful. Te city, the lake, the alps...
 We got some food from my moms favorite pizzeria in the world. It is a local pizzeria and we got noodles to go. We ate them next to the water. It was outstanding. Talking to her, actually seeing her in real life! And just enjoying the extreme good food and the view!
 While waiting for the food we walked a little bit around the area and I fell in love again with this city! I know why this is the most expensive city in the world! And it is worth it!

 Because of this! This view is the best I have ever seen!
 Everytime I had to go to work by tram I passed the bridge I took the pictures from. And every time I had to stop reading and look up, to both sides, because it is so nice!

 I LOVE ZURICH! But what we will do tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be terrifying! I am a little bit afraid, but you will see!

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