Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012

Goodbye Eunhye and Gym!


during my last monday I had to say goodbye to Eunhye and to the gym. I know, crazy mixture, but sometimes you can't choose.

During the day I had to manage a lot of different things. Like going to the post office for sending my belongings to germany, going to the bank to change all the coins I saved and going to the gym of course. The trainer was always so cute! I think he has the best body I have ever seen. He always greeted me so warm hearted, and seriously cute. I think not on purpose, but in the end he was!
His english was on a pretty low level, I think like my Korean kkkkk But for that we talked a lot of! Thx to Dawoon I can say at least most of the muscles I am working out with kkkkk

Anyway I had to say goodbye to him and so I took the first and the last picture with him.

 After gym in the evening I met with Eunhye. During the last semester and ICEA 9th we got closer and closer. She took me to a very nice cafe in Seomyeon I have never been to! (Shame on me) It is her favorite cafe and I know why! 
 Because it is simple and stylish! The way I like to have my apartment kkkkk

 We talked for around three hours before we had to say goodbye! I think we will see each other again! So no reason for being sad!  
 In between she can enjoy more coffee in the CCINOLESS! Even the waiter seemed to know her and gave us service kkkk. I will miss talking to her... And even in the "high-five-truth-game" she was always my partner in law! kkkkkk We had really good times! 

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