Sonntag, 29. Juli 2012

Big Showdown in Seomyeon!


yesterday it was the final weekend night for me in Busan! And it was as big as I expected! All my favorite people came to say me goodbye!

Korean tradition says that you have to visit at least 4 locations during a party and drinking evening. I think in the end we were at 7. After meeting Youjung we went for Dongasse to have dinner, because I was starving. We met Seong Yong at Angel in us. So we checked two locations. After having coffee we went to the Penis restaurant to start the maggoli night! 

 Seong Yong was so cute holding the sun protector in front of Youjung's face kkk

 At the makkoli place Dawoon, Marlena and Clara joined our group!
 And so the night got started. After this location we went to Soju place and the koreans introduced me to such an amazing game.... At my last day.... "Titanic"!
 At this location Jinny and Eunhye and little Eunhye joined!
 I was really happy to see them again! I will miss Jinny and Eunhye!

 Even Youjungs friend Marina from Canada joined us to drink and party!
 Drinking brother! He will go to Singapore for 1 semester, so it was a big goodbye also for him...
 And there is the Titanic. It is a beer glass and you place a Soju shot inside. Of course an empty one. And then it starts to sink.... Every body has to poor some Soju inside the glass till it sinks. I have no idea why, but I had to drink so often!
 But Seong Yong helped me every time!

 Here with little Eunhye!
 M.O.M! Man of Men!
 I will miss these guys so much!
 Later G-1 joined us for the rest of the night!
 After this one we first went to night club again, because last night was so awesome! But the one we went now was not so good. So we decided to go to FIX! Again! FIX was so cool! 

Gangnam Style in FIX!

 They had "Full-Moon-Party" like I went with Robert in Thailand. Dresscode: Naked.... but nobody was.... just a few guys....
I think all the girls were pretty happy kkkk
 The DJ's played even Gangnam stlye... again..... This song is so amazing! I think Korea wants to say goodbye in a very happy and crazy way kkkk

Anyway, it was a great night! After FIX we went for some hot soup and then for bed..... I will miss everybody so much!

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