Montag, 16. Juli 2012

Cambodia Spa night - Manicure / Massage / Meal / Muscle


the second night in Phnom Penh was really relaxing for us! We started after the temple and palace day with a short and not so good 2$ manicure and a long and very good massage! I booked a full body treatment with some lemon grass oil! It was one hour for approximately 20€. For cmbodian prices it was one of the not so cheap ones... The prices differ from 3$ to 50$. So we were in the middle of the price list. The cute cambodian girl treated me very very well.... I enjoyed the time and it was the first massage I didn't think about the time which already passed. I can totally recommend this Spa.

In the beginning you get some cold and afterwards warm lemon grass - ginger tea. So yummy!

I felt kind of dirty with my cloths and especially shoes.... kkkk 
From the inside and the outside....
After the Spa we went to a local restaurant and I had my only coconut drink.... And yes Christoph, it was so good! Not an old one like on Jeju-do! It was so fresh and so cheap!
There was our food. The soup reminded me of Thailand street food strongly! The taste was  kind of the same.

My personal and final highlight was the workout. I went two times to the gym in Phnom Penh. I have to say that I rarely felt so comfortable in a gym. It was open to one side and there were two dogs running around. The first time I was a little bit confused, because everybody worked out topless.... But I didn-ät wanted to join this cult kkkk 

Everybody in the gym wanted to talk to me because they were so curious about me.... Cambodian people are so friendly! It is unbelievable! In the beginning I didn't know how to handle them but after a few days I felt so good to join them for work out. This night I joined the topless cult, because it was so so hot and I sweated a lot! And besides it was so late and there were just a few people around....

That was my night! I really enjoyed!

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