Sonntag, 15. Juli 2012

Cambodia - Dawoon - Phnom Penh


yesterday I arrived in cambodia, exactly in the capital city "Phnom penh" the first noticeable thing was, that they pay in US-Dollar and in Riel. The small bills are Riels and the big ones US - Dollar.... so you can pay mixed.... kind of confusing in the beginning.... it is also the first country which needed a visum .... you can get it at the airport for 20$! Looks pretty cool in the passport...kkkkk

 Anyway, during the arrival the view from the airplane changed pretty fast from rice fields to houses..... The first few hours in Cambodia we just walked around to explore the hotel area... Which was kind of cool... I liked the people.... I was not sure if I felt comfortable in this country.... but the people are so nice and till now I feel very good.... 
 At night we met Mr. Jeong.... because Dawoon is volunteer right now in Cambodia... his university has a program to teach taekwondo to orphan's. So we checked in in the same Hotel to meet him for one night... it was crazy to see him in a foreign country.... because now we all were foreigner....
 It was the first time for him to leave the Hotel officially at night, because his supervisor think, that it is too dangerous....kkkk we took a TukTuk to the riverfront and found a nice restaurant to eat and drink very yummy fruit shakes....

 Afterwards we walked a little at the river and checked out the first temple we saw kkkkk and there were so many rats during the night..... 

 Anyway, afterwards we went back to the hotel and talked for a little while...
 Here the next day the TukTuk with Spiderman commercial kkkkkk

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