Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

Olango Island - Island Hopping


the second day on the philippines Marlena and me went snorkeling! And I am really sorry for Robert, but this time it was 100000000 times cooler than in Thailand, Kho Ma!

Because we saw this kind of islands!

I saw Nemos, Patricks and lots of other stuff! We chartered a whole boat with two fishermen to bring us from island to island for approximately 25€ for the whole day! The two guys spoke barely english but were very polite. The resort people told us, that we can trust these men so we can give them our money while snorkeling, and they really didn't take anything! It was such a great day!
 This was one of the small islands we entered and discovered by snorkeling!
 I was fascinated by the blue starfishes laying around! 
 One was chilling!

 Here me exploring the underwater world!

 NEMO! And his dad kkkkk

 On this island we had a cocktail.... tequila sunrise.... I felt like a super celebrity! Sitting next to the coral reef! We had a pretty good time during the second snorkeling trip kkkkk

 There it is!
 Here starts the second trip... and guess what.... the pinoys take entrance fee for sea! It was kind of funny, that there is a small boat with a guy waiting for tourists! Anyway, the second snorkeling trip was even more fascinating than the first one! And here you see why:

 Even John was with me kkkk search him!

That was the second day on the philippines! It was so amazing! Right now watching the pictures, i can't imagine, that I have been there.....

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