Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

Batu Caves - KL

on our last day in KL we decided to do a little trip to the Batu Caves. In this impressive caves is a little temple which was not so special, but the caves itself were so significant!  I think they were the highest grotto I have ever been inside.

286 stairs up to the caves!

A huge minus were the monkeys running around in these caves..... a big plus was the giant Murungan statue in front of....
 So we started from KL main station for an 30 min ride to the north. It was 0,25€ per person. So cheap!
 Anyway, on the way to the cave there were several attractions you could join, live the cave village or the giant buddhist temple. The cave temple is hindu.... So just see what it looks like to walk through the cave...

 He is even taller than me!
 One of the monkeys jumped on a korean tourist and spit on him.... I felt so sorry for him, but I just wanted to leave immediately! I grabbed Marlena and we left....

 There was kind of a monkey street up the mountain.... was nice to see them disappear kkkk

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