Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

Sean Paul - Columbia Halle Berlin

Hey, get busy, I don't have to say more!

On Saturday Elisa asked me, if I wanna join her and her friends from her hometown for the Sean Paul concert in berlin. And what can I say.... I just said yes!

Since I was a little boy I danced to Sean paul in the club! Even if me and my friends at home make fun of him every time we have to dance if he is in the club!

Dienstag, 28. August 2012

Jogging in Berlin - Old routine


nowadays I don't have to run around in circles on the sports field at Dongseo university in Busan. I can go on my routine running route in Berlin. I don't have the time to take my big round, but for the small one is always a little time ( at least one hour, because thats the time I need to finish).

Montag, 27. August 2012

Hello and Goodbye - Saskia is going to Scotland


the second night in Berlin didn't take place in Berlin! I was in Brandenburg!

My friend Saskia (I know her from university) graduated with me this semester.

But she won't study anymore at my university, because she will go to Scotland! This Saturday was her goodbye party and thats why me and my friends had to travel to her hometown (its next to Berlin).

Sonntag, 26. August 2012

Korea in Berlin - Crazy World


finally I have a little time to write about friday! Elisa prepared a Korean night for me! It was perfect!

She thought about everything! Music, food and friends!

Donnerstag, 23. August 2012

Ideenpark in Essen - Lots of ideas!


today Natze, John and me went to the "Ideenpark" in Essen. It was the last day of a big exhibition for little brains!

Something is wrong....

I feel like a dwarf....

Walensee - Swimming in a new dimension


after a long day full of flying, running up and down the hills to get the right feeling for the glider Romy, Michi and me drove to the Valeseller lake to relax for one or two hours. 

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

Skyscraper - With my own fingers!


yesterday was the big day! After a few hours practicing at a small hill we decided to do big business.


Montag, 20. August 2012

Little Bird - Rufi - Switzerland


today I had my first experience for flying without an airplane! Romy invited me for paragliding! We had to get up after just 5 hours sleeping at 7am! We drove around one hour to Rufi, an area located in the east of Zurich! 

Even the ride to the flying area was amazing!

Sonntag, 19. August 2012

Zurich - Switzerland - The first 2 hours


last friday my good friend Romy asked me if I wanna come to Zurich for a few days from Sunday to Wednesday...

Actually I was not really sure if I could go. Because it is quite expensive, takes a lot of time and of course.... I just arrived in my hometown after one year. But I really wanted to see her again and I wanted to come back to my beloved Zurich!

Samstag, 18. August 2012

Philippino Night - Solid Club


after having a really great afternoon with Natze in Bottrop we drove home to my place and had dinner with my parents on the balcony. 

Of course my parents had dinner and we started to drink a little before we joined the "Philippino community"! John didn't wanted to join because of his bachelor thesis, but Diana, bebe, Pam and all the others were there!

Freitag, 17. August 2012

Ruhrpott excursion - Tetraeder Bottrop


today I visited with Natze a "Ruhrpott-Diamand"! The "Tetraeder" in Bottrop! It is just about 20 min car ride from my house, but both of us have never been there. In the middle of coal mines and industry factories on top of a coal mountain there is the "Tetraeder". It is just a steel construction. You can climb the construction nearly to the top and after all this exhausting climbing you have a wonderful view all over the Ruhrgebiet. 

 The construction itself represents a lot of this areas history. Of course it is a steel construction, because of Thyssen Krupp steal. It is on top of the mountain, like our industry haha and it is located on lots of coal!

Mittwoch, 15. August 2012

Germany, do I get used to you?


maybe you got it in the last posts from german territory.... I was kind of unhappy to be back. I know, that I am supposed to be happy, because I see my family, my friends and John again.... but the country itself doesn't welcome me as I was welcomed every day in Korea. I miss the kindness and the patience and the happiness everybody in Korea is emitting. When you walk in the streets you look in all the faces and everyone gives you a smile. In the stores the people are kind and try to help you, not trying to sell you something. It feels really different.

Don't get me wrong, my friends really do a great job! They do everything to keep me happy and were doing really cool stuff!

When I arrived in Frankfurt I felt really uncomfortable in a crowd full of germans. Most of the people are really negative. You just hear stuff like "Shit" or "This is so crappy, it doesn't work" or anything else with a negative influence. I don't know why, but the people doesn'T realize how nice it is to live in Germany. Even if the ICE (KTX) is half an hour late. Germany is nearly four times as big as Korea, of course it is more difficult to make the trains always to be on time.

Anyway, after two weeks in Germany I get used to be in the middle of people speaking German. I think it was really very relaxing to stay in Korea and to listen to korean all day long. I didn't know most of the time what the people in the subway were talking about and it was just relaxing. Maybe they criticized everything and everyone in the same way, but I didn't recognize...kkkk

Another big difference I recognized is my eating behavior. If you want to eat healthy food around midnight you can't find anything in public places.... There is no 24h - Imo - restaurant where you can eat a hot soup with some meat or just Chamchi-Kimchi-Bogkumbab.... No, just McDonalds... ad so we did after watching "Prometheus" in the Cinemaxx.... it was a cool movie, not hyper special, but nice to watch.... Anyway we had very not so healthy food, I am sorry Imo!

Both of us had this very unhealthy dinner kkkk

Dienstag, 14. August 2012

Hitlist Germany - Review


in these days I am missing K-Pop a lot! Seriously, I just miss it! Of course I can hear Gangnam style all day long in the car on my way back home kkkkkk and  can hear the new Beast at home in the garden during sunshine sessions, but it is not the same. I am always alone hearing it. Nobody on the streets join. Nobody is dancing right next to me and nobody would start to sing .....

Thats why I analyzed the "German Top 100" and I have to admit it is not as bad as I thought. With a one year break of germany I start to see everything with new eyes. I even listen to the music with new ears!

Samstag, 11. August 2012

German BBQ - Grillen

Juten tach,

today the weather in Germany was perfect to have a BBQ! Thats why me and my friends met at my house to have a little BBQ - Meat - Party! I went to Penny (Hanaru) to get all the stuff for salads, dips, drinks and of course a lot of meat!

I calculated the entrance fee the people had to pay and the party started!

Apartment45 - Bochum

Juten Tach (guten tag)!

like we say in the Ruhrpott! Last night me and my friends went out to explore our region in North-Rhine-Westphalia a little bit. We met at Jenny's place to have one or two or three drinks.... and Yes, John and me had Coju! And Jenny and me had some Soju shots! Wuhuuu!
After a few hours of warming up we took the bus and the train to Bochum (the city is next to my hometown by train maybe 12min) Anyway we wanted to see a new club. So we went to the Apartment45. It is located in the heart of Bochum. The club is an old penthouse which was transformed into a club. But you can find everywhere the different rooms. You will see what I mean.

Yes, this was in the club!

Donnerstag, 9. August 2012

Brüssel - Belgium


during my year in asia I realized, that europe is really really small and very easy to travel. All my friends were jealous of me because I am able to visit so many different countries within just a few hours car ride. Today I did my first trip with john in Europe after my return from Korea. We went to Brüssel, capital of Belgium and of course, capital of europe. 

Montag, 6. August 2012

Duruchigi - I feel like Imo!

Guten Tag,

it feels weird to write a german hello.... But I think I will figure out a cool german hello later...
Anyway, the reason why I write this one is that I prepared today my first Duruchigi on my own.... I think I missed my favorite dish even after a few days, so we had to try.... and the first try was amazingly tasty!

To be honest John helped me to cut the vegetables into pieces. We went to an Asia shop in the center of Essen (my hometown) to get some ingredients. 

Sonntag, 5. August 2012

Way back home!


after having tons of goodbyes and tearful moments during the last days I am finally home.

By the way.... thank you all for more than 20.000 clicks in the last year. For the at least 3 blogs... uyuheartsmicha, michaelheartsuyu and finaluyu........ makes more than 60 clicks a day..... I am happy! 

Samstag, 4. August 2012

Last day in Seoul!


the last morning in Busan Youjung took me to the BusanStation. It was so hard to see her standing on the track while the train departed. I can't describe it with words. But my first class ticket to Seoul told me to relax and to enjoy the ride..... i didn't. Every meter the KTX went northwards my heart felt more and more heavy! 

After 2,5 hours ride I left the train and entered Seoul Station for the last time. In there a friend of mine, Son Hjong waited for me. He lived in Busan the first three month I came there and left for Seoul, because he got a teacher job there. 

Freitag, 3. August 2012

Last dinner in Busan - Youjung and Dawoon!


you can imagine with who I wanted to have my last dinner in Korea! Of course with Youjung and Dawoon! And it was harder than everybody thought it would be...

Mittwoch, 1. August 2012

Brothers never stop to party!


monday night I was in my room about going to bed.... but I planned my night without asking Dawoon.