Dienstag, 18. September 2012

Anjong - Goodbye - 365 days full of adventure!


I think I have to travel one last time back to Korea, even if it is just in my head, in my imagination!

Haha, first pic on fb!

If you have read my blog (or should I say blogs?! stupid memory capacity) more of less constantly you saw a huge package of my experiences during the last year! A lot of stuff happened in the last 356 days! One Year and 12 days ago I started my unbelievable amazing adventure!

Some things didn't change during this time, but far too much changed!

Sonntag, 9. September 2012

Palermo turned 30! Big party!


six days ago José turned 30! He is the first one of my close friends who turned 30! So crazy, that we are finally getting old!

This Friday he invited all his friends to celebrate his third very big birthday!

 Palermo prepared A lot of Muffins and Brownies! They were so yummy! Seriously!

Mittwoch, 5. September 2012

Gasometer - Oberhausen -Industry turns into culture


today I did my second "Ruhrgebiet" excursion with Natze! We left the inofficial capital of the Ruhrgebiet (hometown Essen) and drove to Oberhausen. Over there is the biggest Gasometer of Europe. In former times they used it to store...... surprise.... GAS!

Montag, 3. September 2012

Baldeney lake - Jogging in my hometown


yesterday I was jogging in my hometown Essen - Kupferdreh. Usually I run around in the "city" like following the normal streets, but around 5 min jogging from my parents house there is a lake... and I never run around there....stupid....
Yesterday the weather was pretty nice so I thought about running next to the water.... Good idea!

Sonntag, 2. September 2012

ABC - Asian Basketball Competition


yesterday John and me went to Düsseldorf, because his brother and some friends of them joined in the "big" Asian Basketball Competition!

Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

Sean Paul - Columbia Halle Berlin

Hey, get busy, I don't have to say more!

On Saturday Elisa asked me, if I wanna join her and her friends from her hometown for the Sean Paul concert in berlin. And what can I say.... I just said yes!

Since I was a little boy I danced to Sean paul in the club! Even if me and my friends at home make fun of him every time we have to dance if he is in the club!

Dienstag, 28. August 2012

Jogging in Berlin - Old routine


nowadays I don't have to run around in circles on the sports field at Dongseo university in Busan. I can go on my routine running route in Berlin. I don't have the time to take my big round, but for the small one is always a little time ( at least one hour, because thats the time I need to finish).