Mittwoch, 5. September 2012

Gasometer - Oberhausen -Industry turns into culture


today I did my second "Ruhrgebiet" excursion with Natze! We left the inofficial capital of the Ruhrgebiet (hometown Essen) and drove to Oberhausen. Over there is the biggest Gasometer of Europe. In former times they used it to store...... surprise.... GAS!

 We made the plan to visit this diamond of industry culture just because we have never been there.... Just in the big shopping mall which is located next to it.  When we paid the entrance fee the cashier was a little bit confused with my korean student ID, like every time I have to show it.... hahaha
Anyway there was an exhibition, which showed "Magical places" all over the world... And some of them were really magical! 

 I thought that this represents the magical town"Forks" where Bella, Jacob and the skinny pale guy live.... but I was wrong....
 I have visited both of these places.... the one above when I was 0 and the lower one this year! I was proud to see Angkor Thom again! Both were about 37°C and very humid kkkkkkkk

 Natze and me decided to go some day to the Taj Mahal! It really looks magical!
 And this beautiful Zen garden is located in Kyoto - Japan.... John and me visited this one in January.... hahahaha

But right after this exhibition we took the elevator to go on top of the gasometer.... and the view was kind of magical too kkkkkkkkk But just kind of!

Very high one!

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