Dienstag, 18. September 2012

Anjong - Goodbye - 365 days full of adventure!


I think I have to travel one last time back to Korea, even if it is just in my head, in my imagination!

Haha, first pic on fb!

If you have read my blog (or should I say blogs?! stupid memory capacity) more of less constantly you saw a huge package of my experiences during the last year! A lot of stuff happened in the last 356 days! One Year and 12 days ago I started my unbelievable amazing adventure!

Some things didn't change during this time, but far too much changed!

In these days I am doing not so much, and finally my head tells me, that he finished with processing. He is in stand by again! Sounds great, but immediately my mind get bored!

Nowadays numerous people I met in the last year start to contact me, or I contact them. I guess, that all of us make resumes about the last year and start to miss it (In my case I miss the time.... all the time)!

When I click through my blog by myself I see some really cool developments, friendships, joy, fun, FOOD, adventures, love, some tears, experiences, chicken, foreign countries, cultures, K-Pop, history, Dawoon, Youjung and Robert ahahahaha

I think these three person are the top three (except me) on the picture high-score!

Seriously, I can't decide what the coolest or greatest experience was I had in the last year. Besides all the places I have been (Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Republic of Korea, Kingdom of Cambodia,  Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, HongKong, Singapore, Thailand), all the food my stomach had to work with and all the fun that I had, I think the best thing that can happen to you during an exchange is that you find friends. And that you realize how precious your friends back at home are!

I don't want to write a list with the people I really started to like during the last year and I don't want to tell all my friends at home in Essen/Zurich/Berlin/Busan that they are great, but I am really happy, that I got the chance to realize how precious all these people are!

But now, after more or less exactly one year passed I think I have to free the finaluyu.

After three blogs;




I think the korean time is finally over ( not just during ICEA leaders meetings kkkkkkk), but I wrote about the goodbye in Berlin, about the first days in Busan, about my daily life in Busan, about exploring Asia with John, Julia, my family, Robert and Marlena, about the goodybe in Busan, about my welcome at home in Essen, in Zurich and in Berlin.  I think if I would go on writing on this blog about Germany it would be like dancing Gangnam style in Essen (ups, we do all the time kkkkkk).....

But maybe there will be new adventures....

Thank you for reading!


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