Sonntag, 9. September 2012

Palermo turned 30! Big party!


six days ago José turned 30! He is the first one of my close friends who turned 30! So crazy, that we are finally getting old!

This Friday he invited all his friends to celebrate his third very big birthday!

 Palermo prepared A lot of Muffins and Brownies! They were so yummy! Seriously!

 The moment we entered the room we got a glass of sparkling wine. And so the party got started....
We prepared a little bit of Bruschetta and the Buffet was perfect! Even because of Julias nice way of showing the bread.... kkkk

 Here Julia is the first one who was allowed to take one of the master pieces...
 Here Palermo has to blow out the candles.... to make a wish for his birthday! 
 He got a 1000 and one night present! An arabian night! WIth us, belly dancers, arabian food and shishas!
 This cake we prepared for him.... made out of three single cakes.... 

 Julia found her partner in crime.... an owl!
 Dancing till the world ends!
Here Johnny, Palermo, Julia, Peter, me and Natze! Last guest..... it was a very cool night with nice people!

Again happy Bday and thank you for this wonderful night!

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