Samstag, 14. Juli 2012

Singapore - Traditional coffee

Hai, Hello, வணக்கம் [wanakkam], ni hao!

in Singapore most oft he stuff you can discover is pretty new, modern, stylish and very expensive!

Marlena and me found a cute, classic, oldfashioned coffe house which serves traditional singaporian coffee. I know, that it is probably just fort he tourists, but the coffee, the food and the desserts were singaporian style and seriously very good!

The coffee was so good, that we decided to go there again at the second day! I think it was the best coffee I ever had... better than the HongKong milk tea, better than the Zoo coffee better than all the other ones....  At the first time we had mandus and steamed „bao“ which were pretty okay, yeah just okay....

 .... but the second time we ordered traditional soup and this one was so delicious! Even at 30°C the hot spicy soup was the best I could imagine to eat in Singapore.

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