Freitag, 13. Juli 2012

Singapore - Skyline - Hotel - Theatre - Museum

Hai, Hello, வணக்கம் [wanakkam], ni hao!

yesterday we arrived in Singapore and it is amazing! I envy Marcius living over here!

Of course the most characterizing thing is the big "Marina Bay Sands Hotel" It is kind of a magical building which wants to make you believe, that there is a ship flying over three skyscrapers.... Even during the night!
The whole "Marine harbor" sight is amazing! We walked around the whole day and took like millions of pictures....

In the background you can see the theatre and some Hotels.... the theatre is able to prevent the earth from it's global warming.... no it can't prevent, but it doesn't course any influence on this....
THe very nice building on the left is the Museum of science and nice! From above it looks like a seashell!
And there is also the olympic park... for olympic kids games kkkk

And look who I found!

The next pics are shot at night! So amazing!

 I really love the bridge.... it should represent the DNA.... but it is not soooo correct but it looks nice!

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