Dienstag, 14. August 2012

Hitlist Germany - Review


in these days I am missing K-Pop a lot! Seriously, I just miss it! Of course I can hear Gangnam style all day long in the car on my way back home kkkkkk and  can hear the new Beast at home in the garden during sunshine sessions, but it is not the same. I am always alone hearing it. Nobody on the streets join. Nobody is dancing right next to me and nobody would start to sing .....

Thats why I analyzed the "German Top 100" and I have to admit it is not as bad as I thought. With a one year break of germany I start to see everything with new eyes. I even listen to the music with new ears!

Like in Korea there are music movements in germany. Right now everybody is dancing Gangnam style in the south kkkkk and over here everybody is following Lykke Li down the river...... in Korea it is cool to like what everybody likes.... In Germany it is always behind closed doors.... everybody likes the summer hits, but if you talk to the people they are like.... nooooo I can't hear it anymore.... or ... no I never liked this one.... I don't know why, but it is always the same, if I say my opinion to music, like "Yes I like Britney Spears" or "O-Zone, Dragostea din tae, super summer hit" everybody is like, seriously.... that's weird.... and O-Zone is one of the most selling singles in the 2000-2010'th...... with 31 weeks on top of the Charts. 

Anyway of course nobody liked it!

I think it is good to "arrive" in another country you will stay for a long time (like Germany in these days) you have to get used to the local music. That's why I inspected the new Hitlist Germany.

I am free from prejudices like "just kids listen to this one" or "just people without a job like that one" so I just enjoy.... or even not....

So hear a short review for the Top 10 in germany right now.....

When I was the first time in the mainstream club in Essen again in the "MuPa" I heard the most selling song in these days, so the number one. I was shocked, that this song is in a  club, and that everybody is singing along. But okay, nowadays I am fine with the song.

Lykke Li - Follow me. 

She is from Sweden and it is her first international single. She released three singles in Sweden and this one is the first single belonging to her second album.  Anyway it is kind of cool after a few tries....

Asaf Avidan - One day

It totally not my style. Once again I am a little bit confused with the taste of music in Germany. I really can't get used to this song... anyway.... the guy is from Israel and his parents are both diplomats. He grew up in Israel, New York and Jamaica. And his favorite bands were Nirvana, Pearl Jam and all the other stuff I don't like...kkkk

Gusttavo Lima - Balada

Is my favorite number one! Even he is "just" on the third position. This song is a very nice summer song. You can feel the brazilian heat and the passion and the joy of life! He is born in 1989 and his career is right now on top of the mountain. And in his hometown in Brazil (18.500 people living there, so pretty small) the president gave the order to build a giant statue of the guy kkkkk

Tacabro - Tacata

Is just a usual summer song, nothing new, like every year and not even good....

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call me maybe

Finally a international blockbuster hit from Canada! I don't have to say so much about this cute girl with a loooooooong contact list in her cellphone.

Loreen - Euphoria

Every year there is the "Eurovision song contest" in europe. Every state sends one act and they have to sing to represent their country. This year Loreen from Sweden won and I really like the song!

R.I.O. - Summer Jam

ok.... third time summer jam is in the top ten since I listen to music.... boring

Lana del Rey - Summertime sadness

Is a cute anti summer hit song. You can listen to it in the radio, and I am okay with the song, but I would never play it on my iPod! But I am happy for Lana, that she finally is successful! She tried with four different projects to get chart-positions, but in the end, just herself and her voice are enough!

Flo Rida - Whistle

And there is the second international summer hit! Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby.... I like... when Robert and me were in Thailand on Kho Phangan we listened to this song on the ride with our crazy driver to the snorkeling places.... Was perfect, sun, palms, Flo Rida and beaches....

Counting Crows - You can count me in

Something for the rocking people.... not for me....

So what can I say.... in these days it is kind of a crazy mixture of european hits. Just barely american songs and surprisingly not a single german song....

But Gusttavo is a really nice one kkkkkk

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